(accordi chitarra, versione mobile)

Testo e accordi

Funny Face -- Red Hot Chili Peppers

Strum: Sib Fa Solm Fa

Sib Fa
It must have been your funny face
Solm Fa
It must have been your laugh
Sib Fa
It must have been your paper chase that
Solm Fa
Wasn't quite enough
Mib Fa
It must have been your tiny dance that
Solm Fa
Made me laugh out loud
Sib Fa
Must have been your angel dust that
Solm Fa
Put me on your cloud
Sib Fa Sol Fa
You're the reason why...
Sib Fa Sol Fa
You're the reason I...
Rem Fa Do Sib
It must have been your love
Rem Fa Do Sib
It must have been your love... I said
Rem Fa Do Sib
It must have been your love... In a little bit...
Rem Fa Do Sib
It must have been your love
Fa Do Solm
You're my angel baby
Lab Fa
You're my darling
Solm Sib
You're my star
Fa Do Solm
Lol lol lol lolita
Mib Fa Do Solm Mib
Let her see me deep in love
Rem Fa Do Sib
It must have been your love
Rem Fa Do Sib
It must have been your love... I said
Rem Fa Do Sib
It must have been your love... In a little bit...
Rem Fa Do Sib
It must have been your love
Fa Do Solm
You're my angel baby
Lab Fa
You're my darling
Solm Sib
You're my star
Fa Do Solm
Lol lol lol lolita
Mib Fa Do Solm Mib
Let her see me deep in love
Lab Fa Do Mib
I've stared at eyes in a crooked frown
Lab Fa Do Mib
Make more of life, just settle down
Lab Fa Do Mib
Every single little princess needs a crown
Lab Fa Do Mib
Make more of life, just settle down

Strum: Fa Do Mib

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This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research.

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