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Testo e accordi

Police Station // RHCP Red Hot Chili Peppers

Strum: Sol Do Mim La Solmaj7 Re Re7 Lam Laadd9 Domaj7
Sol Do Mim Mim
I saw you at the police station and it breaks my heart to say.
Sol Do Mim Mim
Your eyes had wandered off to something distant, cold and grey.
I guess you didn't see it coming,
Someone's gotten used to slumming.
Dreaming of the golden years,
I see you had to change careers.
Lam Lam
Far away, but we both know it's somewhere.
Sol Do Mim Mim
I saw you on the back page of some pre press yesterday.
Sol Do Mim Mim
The drip wood in your eyes had nothing short of love for pain.
I know you from another picture,
Of someone with the most convictions.
We used to read the funny papers,
Fooled around and pulled some capers.
Not today, send a message to her.
Re Re7
A message that I'm coming, coming to pursue her.
Fa Do Laadd9 La
Tell your country I, rest my face on your bed.
Fa Do Laadd9 La
I've got you ten times over, I'll chase you down 'til you're dead.
Sol Do Mim Mim
I saw you on a TV station and it made me wanna pray.
Sol Do Mim Mim
An empty shell of loveliness is now dusted with decay.
What happened to the funny paper?
Smiling was your money maker.
Someone oughta situate her,
Find a way to educate her.
Lam Lam
All the way, time to come and find you.
Re Re7
You can't hide from me girl, so never mind what I do.
Fa Do Laadd9 La
Tell your country I, rest my face on your bed.
Fa Do Laadd9 La
I bet my sovereign country and I, left it all for your head.
Strum: Re Re Lam Lam Mim Mim Lam Lam Do Re Re
Sol Do Mim Mim
I saw you in the church and there was no time to exchange.
Sol Do Mim Mim
You were getting married and it felt so very strange.
I guess I didn't see it coming,
Now I guess it's me who's bumming.
Dreaming of the golden years,
You and I were mixing tears.
Not today, not for me but someone.
Re Re7
I never could get used to, so now I will refuse to.
Fa Do Laadd9 La
Tell your country I, rest my face on your bed.
Fa Do Laadd9 La
I bet my sovereign country and I, left it all for your head
Fa Do Laadd9 La
I got my best foot forward and I'll chase you down 'til you're dead
Strum: Lam Lam Mim Mim Lam Lam Mim Mim Lam Lam Mim Mim Lam Lam Mim Mim Lam Lam Mim

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