(accordi chitarra, versione mobile)

Testo e accordi

Venice Queen / Red Hot Chili Peppers

Mim Do
Does it go from east to west, y'all
Mim Do
Body free and a body less, y'all
Mim Do
Come again just to start a fresh and
Once again to find a home
Lasus2 Resus2
In the moment of the meantime
Mim Do
Dropping in coming through the mesh, y'all
Mim Do
Checking in just to get it blessed, y'all
Mim Do
Hard to leave when it's picturesque and
Find a form that's free to roam
Lasus2 Resus2
Where you come from, where you going...
Strum: Mim - Do
Mim - Do
Mim - Do
Lasus2 - Resus2
Mim Do Mim Do
We all want to tell her
Mim Do Lasus2 Resus2
Tell her that we love her
Mim Do Mim Do
Venice gets a queen
Mim Do Lasus2 Resus2
Best I've ever seen
Mim Do Mim Do
We all want to kiss her
Mim Do Lasus2 Resus2
Tell her that we miss her
Mim Do Mim Do
Venice gets a queen
Mim Do
Best I've ever
I know you said you don't believe
In God do you still disagree
Now that it's time for you to leave
Is love
my friend
My friend,
my friend

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