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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Silent night...
Trova midi MID, video di Silent night misc christmas, scarica mp3 torrent di Silent night misc christmas, video YouTube di misc christmas Silent night
misc christmas... Altri accordi di misc christmas...
Joseph Mohr & Franz Gruber
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The song is in 3/4 time in the key of G.
This arrangement contains the melody notes along with additional notes to make
it sound good on one guitar. For a duet, add the above accompaniment.
Si - lent Night Ho - ly Night
D7 G C
all is calm all is bright 'round yon
vir - gin moth -er and child Ho - ly in -fant so
G D7 G
ten -der and mild sleep in heav- en-ly peace,..........
D7 G
... sleep in heav-en-ly
Silent Night, Holy Night
Trova midi MID, video di Silent night misc christmas, scarica mp3 torrent di Silent night misc christmas, video YouTube di misc christmas Silent night
misc christmas... Altri accordi di misc christmas...
Joseph Mohr & Franz Gruber
_________ ____________
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The song is in 3/4 time in the key of G.
This arrangement contains the melody notes along with additional notes to make
it sound good on one guitar. For a duet, add the above accompaniment.
Si - lent Night Ho - ly Night
D7 G C
all is calm all is bright 'round yon
vir - gin moth -er and child Ho - ly in -fant so
G D7 G
ten -der and mild sleep in heav- en-ly peace,..........
D7 G
... sleep in heav-en-ly
Silent Night, Holy Night