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Trova midi MID, video di Jane Barenaked Ladies, scarica mp3 torrent di Jane Barenaked Ladies, video YouTube di Barenaked Ladies Jane
Barenaked Ladies... Altri accordi di Barenaked Ladies...
Here is "Jane" from Maybe You Should Drive. It's not perfect, but I can
sing along with it and it sounds close. Listen along to the CD to determine
where the capo should go.
Ben McTernan
(capo on 2nd or 3rd fret??)
The main verse part goes as follows (fret numberings are with the capo on):
C2 Em7 A7sus4 G/B (I'm guessing on chord names)
This is played over and over again through the verse
Am D G G/F# Em Am
Jane doesn't think a man can ever be faithful
D G G/F# Em Am
Jane isn't giving me a chance to be shameful
D Am D
Jane Jane
Bm Em
I wrote a letter
C D Eb Em
Trova midi MID, video di Jane Barenaked Ladies, scarica mp3 torrent di Jane Barenaked Ladies, video YouTube di Barenaked Ladies Jane
Barenaked Ladies... Altri accordi di Barenaked Ladies...
Here is "Jane" from Maybe You Should Drive. It's not perfect, but I can
sing along with it and it sounds close. Listen along to the CD to determine
where the capo should go.
Ben McTernan
(capo on 2nd or 3rd fret??)
The main verse part goes as follows (fret numberings are with the capo on):
C2 Em7 A7sus4 G/B (I'm guessing on chord names)
This is played over and over again through the verse
Am D G G/F# Em Am
Jane doesn't think a man can ever be faithful
D G G/F# Em Am
Jane isn't giving me a chance to be shameful
D Am D
Jane Jane
Bm Em
I wrote a letter
C D Eb Em