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Scarica MP3, Karaoke I won't be home for Christmas...
Trova midi MID, video di I won't be home for Christmas Blink 182, scarica mp3 torrent di I won't be home for Christmas Blink 182, video YouTube di Blink 182 I won't be home for Christmas
Blink 182... Altri accordi di Blink 182...
Blink 182 - I Won’t Be Home For Christmas
Outside the carollers
start to sing
I can't describe the joy
they bring cause joy
is something they don't
Re Sol Mim
bring me My girlfriend is by my side
from the roof are hanging sicles
of ice they're whiny voices get
Re Do Sol
irritating It's Christmas time again
So I stand with a
dead smile on my face
wondering how much of my
be home for Christmas ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di I won't be home for Christmas Blink 182, scarica mp3 torrent di I won't be home for Christmas Blink 182, video YouTube di Blink 182 I won't be home for Christmas
Blink 182... Altri accordi di Blink 182...
Blink 182 - I Won’t Be Home For Christmas
Outside the carollers
start to sing
I can't describe the joy
they bring cause joy
is something they don't
Re Sol Mim
bring me My girlfriend is by my side
from the roof are hanging sicles
of ice they're whiny voices get
Re Do Sol
irritating It's Christmas time again
So I stand with a
dead smile on my face
wondering how much of my
be home for Christmas ...Continua: