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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Im your man...
Trova midi MID, video di Im your man Cohen Leonard, scarica mp3 torrent di Im your man Cohen Leonard, video YouTube di Cohen Leonard Im your man
Cohen Leonard... Altri accordi di Cohen Leonard...
This song is from the CD "I'm your man" and can also be heard in an
italian film called "Caro diario" by the film-maker Nanni Moretti (1994).
This film won the price for the best direction in Cannes 1994.
I am interested in the words and chords of the song "Passing Through" and
in chords of the songs appeared on the albums "Various Positions" and
"Death of a Laidies Man" (e.g. Hallelujah, If it be your will, True love
leave no traces, ...). I would be thankful if you can help me.
/Em / /D /
If you want a lover I'll do anything you ask me to.
/Em / /D /
And if you want another kind of love I'll wear a mask for you.
/Bm / /G /
If you want a partner take my hand, or if you want to strike me down in anger ,
/A / /Bm
here I stand. I'm your man.
/Em / /D
Repeat first lines and fade out ad lib. ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di Im your man Cohen Leonard, scarica mp3 torrent di Im your man Cohen Leonard, video YouTube di Cohen Leonard Im your man
Cohen Leonard... Altri accordi di Cohen Leonard...
This song is from the CD "I'm your man" and can also be heard in an
italian film called "Caro diario" by the film-maker Nanni Moretti (1994).
This film won the price for the best direction in Cannes 1994.
I am interested in the words and chords of the song "Passing Through" and
in chords of the songs appeared on the albums "Various Positions" and
"Death of a Laidies Man" (e.g. Hallelujah, If it be your will, True love
leave no traces, ...). I would be thankful if you can help me.
/Em / /D /
If you want a lover I'll do anything you ask me to.
/Em / /D /
And if you want another kind of love I'll wear a mask for you.
/Bm / /G /
If you want a partner take my hand, or if you want to strike me down in anger ,
/A / /Bm
here I stand. I'm your man.
/Em / /D
Repeat first lines and fade out ad lib. ...Continua: