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Trova midi MID, video di Be my lover Cooper Alice, scarica mp3 torrent di Be my lover Cooper Alice, video YouTube di Cooper Alice Be my lover
Cooper Alice... Altri accordi di Cooper Alice...
Get more Alice Cooper tabs here,
"Be My Lover" by Alice Cooper
Words and music by Michael Bruce
From the album Killer (1971)
Transcription by Brian Gaddis
x= mute b= bend rb= release bend p= pull-off h= hammer-on
\= slide down TP= tremelo pick
Intro (Two guitars)
Rythm figure one
(x)= Muted sound seems to caused by guitarist lightly letting
his pick hand slap the strings before he strikes the chord.
Verse (w/rythm figure one)
1. "She struts into the room. Well, I don't know her. But with a magnifying
"glance I just sort of look her over. We had a drink or two, well, maybe
"three. And then suddenly she starts telling me her
"life story. (w/Fill one) She says, (Go to Chorus)
Fill one
Trova midi MID, video di Be my lover Cooper Alice, scarica mp3 torrent di Be my lover Cooper Alice, video YouTube di Cooper Alice Be my lover
Cooper Alice... Altri accordi di Cooper Alice...
Get more Alice Cooper tabs here,
"Be My Lover" by Alice Cooper
Words and music by Michael Bruce
From the album Killer (1971)
Transcription by Brian Gaddis
x= mute b= bend rb= release bend p= pull-off h= hammer-on
\= slide down TP= tremelo pick
Intro (Two guitars)
Rythm figure one
(x)= Muted sound seems to caused by guitarist lightly letting
his pick hand slap the strings before he strikes the chord.
Verse (w/rythm figure one)
1. "She struts into the room. Well, I don't know her. But with a magnifying
"glance I just sort of look her over. We had a drink or two, well, maybe
"three. And then suddenly she starts telling me her
"life story. (w/Fill one) She says, (Go to Chorus)
Fill one