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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Im eighteen...
Trova midi MID, video di Im eighteen Cooper Alice, scarica mp3 torrent di Im eighteen Cooper Alice, video YouTube di Cooper Alice Im eighteen
Cooper Alice... Altri accordi di Cooper Alice...
I'm eighteen
All fills and the solo goes on the E blues-scale. They look hard,
but they're really easy, 'cos I've been playing guitar for just 6 months,
and I got all these (except the main riff) just by listening to the record !
There's also an A, B, C, and D part, but it's marked on the lyrics.
Main Riff
E5 C5 D5
Fill 1:
Lines form on my face and hands
Lines form from the ups and downs
I'm in the middle without any plans
I'm a boy and I'm a man
Main Riff
I'm Eighteen and I don't know what I want - Eighteen I just don't know
what I want - Eighteen I gotta get away
A5 B5 C5 D5
I've got to get out of this place - I'll go running in outer space again !
Fill 2:
I've got an baby's brain and an old man's heart
Took 18 years to get this far
Trova midi MID, video di Im eighteen Cooper Alice, scarica mp3 torrent di Im eighteen Cooper Alice, video YouTube di Cooper Alice Im eighteen
Cooper Alice... Altri accordi di Cooper Alice...
I'm eighteen
All fills and the solo goes on the E blues-scale. They look hard,
but they're really easy, 'cos I've been playing guitar for just 6 months,
and I got all these (except the main riff) just by listening to the record !
There's also an A, B, C, and D part, but it's marked on the lyrics.
Main Riff
E5 C5 D5
Fill 1:
Lines form on my face and hands
Lines form from the ups and downs
I'm in the middle without any plans
I'm a boy and I'm a man
Main Riff
I'm Eighteen and I don't know what I want - Eighteen I just don't know
what I want - Eighteen I gotta get away
A5 B5 C5 D5
I've got to get out of this place - I'll go running in outer space again !
Fill 2:
I've got an baby's brain and an old man's heart
Took 18 years to get this far