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Trova midi MID, video di New amsterdam Costello Elvis, scarica mp3 torrent di New amsterdam Costello Elvis, video YouTube di Costello Elvis New amsterdam
Costello Elvis... Altri accordi di Costello Elvis...
New Amsterdam
Elvis Costello
G Em C G
You're sending me tulips, mistaken for lilies,
G Em F D
You give me your lip after punching me silly,
G Em C G
You turned my head till it rolled down the brain drain,
G Em F D
If I had any sense now, I wouldn't want it back again.
G Bb Am G
New Amsterdam, it's become much too much,
G Bb Am G
Will I have the possession of everything she touches,
G Bb Am G
Till I step on the brake to get out of her clutches?
G Bb Am G
Can I speak Double Dutch to a real double duchess?
G Em C G
Down on the mainspring, listen to the tick tock,
G Em F D
Trova midi MID, video di New amsterdam Costello Elvis, scarica mp3 torrent di New amsterdam Costello Elvis, video YouTube di Costello Elvis New amsterdam
Costello Elvis... Altri accordi di Costello Elvis...
New Amsterdam
Elvis Costello
G Em C G
You're sending me tulips, mistaken for lilies,
G Em F D
You give me your lip after punching me silly,
G Em C G
You turned my head till it rolled down the brain drain,
G Em F D
If I had any sense now, I wouldn't want it back again.
G Bb Am G
New Amsterdam, it's become much too much,
G Bb Am G
Will I have the possession of everything she touches,
G Bb Am G
Till I step on the brake to get out of her clutches?
G Bb Am G
Can I speak Double Dutch to a real double duchess?
G Em C G
Down on the mainspring, listen to the tick tock,
G Em F D