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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Rim of hell...
Trova midi MID, video di Rim of hell Dad, scarica mp3 torrent di Rim of hell Dad, video YouTube di Dad Rim of hell
Dad... Altri accordi di Dad...
D.A.D. "Rim of Hell"
as performed on the Warner Bros. Album "No Fuel Left For the Pilgrims"
Transcribed by Anand Kumar (st001904(at);
HalfIndy(at), because nobody else wanted to do it!
Are there really NO D.A.D. Fans out there, uh?
sl = slide
bu = bend up full note
8(10) = hold string at 8th fret and bend it as if playing the 10th
rb = release bend
(10)8 = prebend the string while holding at the 8th fret, then release it.
d = downstroke
u = upstroke
[5] = artificial harmonic, hit the string with short side of pick and the
flesh of your thumb simultaneously, with a little luck the note should
bq = bend a 1/4 note
I wrote the dudus only to mark the sixteenths. I'm not so sure about some
voicings (especially in the PRECHORUS), but I liked the sound of these best
with the distortion I used. However with other degrees of distortion other
voicings mind sound more "original".
The intro/chorus-riff and the verse-riff can also be played at the fifth
Trova midi MID, video di Rim of hell Dad, scarica mp3 torrent di Rim of hell Dad, video YouTube di Dad Rim of hell
Dad... Altri accordi di Dad...
D.A.D. "Rim of Hell"
as performed on the Warner Bros. Album "No Fuel Left For the Pilgrims"
Transcribed by Anand Kumar (st001904(at);
HalfIndy(at), because nobody else wanted to do it!
Are there really NO D.A.D. Fans out there, uh?
sl = slide
bu = bend up full note
8(10) = hold string at 8th fret and bend it as if playing the 10th
rb = release bend
(10)8 = prebend the string while holding at the 8th fret, then release it.
d = downstroke
u = upstroke
[5] = artificial harmonic, hit the string with short side of pick and the
flesh of your thumb simultaneously, with a little luck the note should
bq = bend a 1/4 note
I wrote the dudus only to mark the sixteenths. I'm not so sure about some
voicings (especially in the PRECHORUS), but I liked the sound of these best
with the distortion I used. However with other degrees of distortion other
voicings mind sound more "original".
The intro/chorus-riff and the verse-riff can also be played at the fifth