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Trova midi MID, video di Threads Dead Soldier, scarica mp3 torrent di Threads Dead Soldier, video YouTube di Dead Soldier Threads
Dead Soldier... Altri accordi di Dead Soldier...
this is dead soldiers first ever song composed. its a cool litle piece to learn
verse, chorus, riff a, verse, chorus, riff a, verse, chorus without words and riff a to end
it. have fun with it and wish the band good luck with more music. i'll try to tab
their other songs when i get the time.
Intro (Gtr.1)-Played by Gtr.1 when marked by "*" (play 2 times)
Rhy. Fig.1* (play 4 times)
Verse 1- Gtr.1 plays an open E (sixth) string at notes marked by "**"(4 times)
Chorus*(Gtr.1 comes in when marked by "**")(still chorus)
play chorus 4 times
Verse 1
sedated anger lingers in my mind
forgiveness barred by eyes so blind
you end up relying on the rain
to wash it all away
I'm struggling through this path you lead me into
you see the one you've flawed; his head lost in his hands
oh; you turn so innocently; you must love it on your knees
Chorus: to the end without lyrics ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di Threads Dead Soldier, scarica mp3 torrent di Threads Dead Soldier, video YouTube di Dead Soldier Threads
Dead Soldier... Altri accordi di Dead Soldier...
this is dead soldiers first ever song composed. its a cool litle piece to learn
verse, chorus, riff a, verse, chorus, riff a, verse, chorus without words and riff a to end
it. have fun with it and wish the band good luck with more music. i'll try to tab
their other songs when i get the time.
Intro (Gtr.1)-Played by Gtr.1 when marked by "*" (play 2 times)
Rhy. Fig.1* (play 4 times)
Verse 1- Gtr.1 plays an open E (sixth) string at notes marked by "**"(4 times)
Chorus*(Gtr.1 comes in when marked by "**")(still chorus)
play chorus 4 times
Verse 1
sedated anger lingers in my mind
forgiveness barred by eyes so blind
you end up relying on the rain
to wash it all away
I'm struggling through this path you lead me into
you see the one you've flawed; his head lost in his hands
oh; you turn so innocently; you must love it on your knees
Chorus: to the end without lyrics ...Continua: