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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Freedom of choice...
Trova midi MID, video di Freedom of choice Devo, scarica mp3 torrent di Freedom of choice Devo, video YouTube di Devo Freedom of choice
Devo... Altri accordi di Devo...
Freedom Of Choice - Devo
Words and Music by Mark Mothersbaugh and Gerald V. Casale
Chord progression - F G F G Bb C D
Opening lick tab - playing the following lick with 5 chords fills it
out better. This is more like a bass line.
Victim of collision on the open sea
Nobody ever said that life was free
Sink, swim go down with the ship
Use your freedom of choice
I say it again in the land of the free
Bb C D
Use your freedom of choice, your freedom of choice
G Bb Eb
In ancient Rome, there was a poem
C G Bb Eb
Trova midi MID, video di Freedom of choice Devo, scarica mp3 torrent di Freedom of choice Devo, video YouTube di Devo Freedom of choice
Devo... Altri accordi di Devo...
Freedom Of Choice - Devo
Words and Music by Mark Mothersbaugh and Gerald V. Casale
Chord progression - F G F G Bb C D
Opening lick tab - playing the following lick with 5 chords fills it
out better. This is more like a bass line.
Victim of collision on the open sea
Nobody ever said that life was free
Sink, swim go down with the ship
Use your freedom of choice
I say it again in the land of the free
Bb C D
Use your freedom of choice, your freedom of choice
G Bb Eb
In ancient Rome, there was a poem
C G Bb Eb