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Scarica MP3, Karaoke John deere green...
Trova midi MID, video di John deere green Diffie Joe, scarica mp3 torrent di John deere green Diffie Joe, video YouTube di Diffie Joe John deere green
Diffie Joe... Altri accordi di Diffie Joe...
<01H8VCCI6LG0935CDR(at)>; Mon, 14 Feb 1994 09:07:41 CST
Mon, 14 Feb 94 07:06:27 -0800
Here's a Joe Diffie tune-not sure about the first part
of the chorus-any corrections welcome.
Joe Diffie John Deere Green
They were farm kids way down in Dixie
They met in high school in the sixties
Everyone knew it was love from the start
One July in the midnight hour
He climbed upon the water tower
D7 C D
Stood on the rail and painted a ten foot heart
Em C
In John Deere Green
On a hot summer night
(502) 942-1092 ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di John deere green Diffie Joe, scarica mp3 torrent di John deere green Diffie Joe, video YouTube di Diffie Joe John deere green
Diffie Joe... Altri accordi di Diffie Joe...
<01H8VCCI6LG0935CDR(at)>; Mon, 14 Feb 1994 09:07:41 CST
Mon, 14 Feb 94 07:06:27 -0800
Here's a Joe Diffie tune-not sure about the first part
of the chorus-any corrections welcome.
Joe Diffie John Deere Green
They were farm kids way down in Dixie
They met in high school in the sixties
Everyone knew it was love from the start
One July in the midnight hour
He climbed upon the water tower
D7 C D
Stood on the rail and painted a ten foot heart
Em C
In John Deere Green
On a hot summer night
(502) 942-1092 ...Continua: