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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Strange meeting ii...
Trova midi MID, video di Strange meeting ii Drake Nick, scarica mp3 torrent di Strange meeting ii Drake Nick, video YouTube di Drake Nick Strange meeting ii
Drake Nick... Altri accordi di Drake Nick...
Strange Meeting II (written by Nick Drake)
Am Asus4/F# Asus4/F E E E E
Am Asus4/F# Asus4/F E Am Asus4/F# Asus4/F E
Deep down in the depths of forgotten dreams,
Am Asus4/F# Asus4/F E Am Asus4/F# Am Am
So far away so long ago it seems,
The memory comes of a distant beach,
F F Esus4 E
Pale sand stretching far from reach,
Am Asus4/F# Asus4/F E Am Asus4/F#
It was then that I found my princess of the sand.
As I traced the foam, pebbles beneath my feet,
I looked behind, I saw this one so sweet,
She came to me and I saw in her eyes,
The heavy toll of a thousand sighs,
I called her my princess of the sand.
She stared at me and my mind was in a maze,
As we moved along in a summer sea-dream haze,
michael.healey(at) ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di Strange meeting ii Drake Nick, scarica mp3 torrent di Strange meeting ii Drake Nick, video YouTube di Drake Nick Strange meeting ii
Drake Nick... Altri accordi di Drake Nick...
Strange Meeting II (written by Nick Drake)
Am Asus4/F# Asus4/F E E E E
Am Asus4/F# Asus4/F E Am Asus4/F# Asus4/F E
Deep down in the depths of forgotten dreams,
Am Asus4/F# Asus4/F E Am Asus4/F# Am Am
So far away so long ago it seems,
The memory comes of a distant beach,
F F Esus4 E
Pale sand stretching far from reach,
Am Asus4/F# Asus4/F E Am Asus4/F#
It was then that I found my princess of the sand.
As I traced the foam, pebbles beneath my feet,
I looked behind, I saw this one so sweet,
She came to me and I saw in her eyes,
The heavy toll of a thousand sighs,
I called her my princess of the sand.
She stared at me and my mind was in a maze,
As we moved along in a summer sea-dream haze,
michael.healey(at) ...Continua: