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Trova midi MID, video di Tunings Drake Nick, scarica mp3 torrent di Tunings Drake Nick, video YouTube di Drake Nick Tunings
Drake Nick... Altri accordi di Drake Nick...
Time Has Told Me D A D G D F# 3rd fret yes
River Man standard 3rd fret yes
Three Hours D A D G D F# ? no
Way To Blue standard no
Day is Done D A D G A D ? no
Cello Song D A D G D F# 1st fret yes
The Thoughts of Mary Jane D A D G D F# 1st fret
Man in a Shed D A D G D G ? no
Fruit Tree D G D D A D 2nd fret yes
Saturday Sun standard no yes
Introduction D A D G D F# ? no
Hazey Jane II C G C F C E no yes
At the Chime of a City Clock standard down 1 fret yes
One of These Things First standard ? no
Hazey Jane I D A D G D F# no
Bryter Layter D G D D A D ? 3st fret ?
Fly D A D G D G 1st fret yes
Poor Boy standard ? no
Northern Sky D A D G D F# 1st fret yes
Sunday D G D D A D ? 1st
Trova midi MID, video di Tunings Drake Nick, scarica mp3 torrent di Tunings Drake Nick, video YouTube di Drake Nick Tunings
Drake Nick... Altri accordi di Drake Nick...
Time Has Told Me D A D G D F# 3rd fret yes
River Man standard 3rd fret yes
Three Hours D A D G D F# ? no
Way To Blue standard no
Day is Done D A D G A D ? no
Cello Song D A D G D F# 1st fret yes
The Thoughts of Mary Jane D A D G D F# 1st fret
Man in a Shed D A D G D G ? no
Fruit Tree D G D D A D 2nd fret yes
Saturday Sun standard no yes
Introduction D A D G D F# ? no
Hazey Jane II C G C F C E no yes
At the Chime of a City Clock standard down 1 fret yes
One of These Things First standard ? no
Hazey Jane I D A D G D F# no
Bryter Layter D G D D A D ? 3st fret ?
Fly D A D G D G 1st fret yes
Poor Boy standard ? no
Northern Sky D A D G D F# 1st fret yes
Sunday D G D D A D ? 1st