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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Rocky road to dublin...
Trova midi MID, video di Rocky road to dublin Dubliners, scarica mp3 torrent di Rocky road to dublin Dubliners, video YouTube di Dubliners Rocky road to dublin
Dubliners... Altri accordi di Dubliners...
10:25:30 +0100
This is a song, a good friend of mine, a singer
in an Irish Polka Band, said of,
"Forget this one! Only The Dubliners can sing this!"
Then I spent few months, and now I'm doing it
fairly well. But I still suspect, that some
artifficial breathing device is needed to
sing it as it should be sung!
Traditional, arranged by the Dubliners
While in the merry month of May from my home I started,
left the girls of Tuam nearly broken hearted,
saluted father dear, kissed me darling mother,
drank a pint of beer me grief and fears to smother,
Then off to reap the corn,
and leave where I was born,
cut a stout blackthorn
to banish ghosts and goblin
in a brand new pair of brogues
I rattled o'er the bogs
and frightened all the dogs
Trova midi MID, video di Rocky road to dublin Dubliners, scarica mp3 torrent di Rocky road to dublin Dubliners, video YouTube di Dubliners Rocky road to dublin
Dubliners... Altri accordi di Dubliners...
10:25:30 +0100
This is a song, a good friend of mine, a singer
in an Irish Polka Band, said of,
"Forget this one! Only The Dubliners can sing this!"
Then I spent few months, and now I'm doing it
fairly well. But I still suspect, that some
artifficial breathing device is needed to
sing it as it should be sung!
Traditional, arranged by the Dubliners
While in the merry month of May from my home I started,
left the girls of Tuam nearly broken hearted,
saluted father dear, kissed me darling mother,
drank a pint of beer me grief and fears to smother,
Then off to reap the corn,
and leave where I was born,
cut a stout blackthorn
to banish ghosts and goblin
in a brand new pair of brogues
I rattled o'er the bogs
and frightened all the dogs