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Eagles... Altri accordi di Eagles...
Witchy Women
Words and Music by Bernie Leadon & Don Henly
Gm 355333 F 133211 Dm --0231 D7 --0212
Bb -13331 C -32010 Dm7 --0211 Cm 035543
Gm D7 Gm
Raven hair and ruby lips, Sparks fly from her finger tips,
D7 Gm
Echoed voices in the night, She's a restless spriit on and endless flight
Gm D7 Gm
Woo-hoo witchy woman, see how high she flies
Gm D7 Gm
Woo-hoo witchy woman, see got the moon in her eyes
- Bb Gm - | F D - - | F D C D C Gm C | (to coda (+) Gm
Gm D7 Gm
She had me spell-bound in the night. Dancing shadows in the fire light
Crazy laughter in another room,
And she drove herself to madness with a silver spoon. (al coda (+)
Trova midi MID, video di Witchy woman Eagles, scarica mp3 torrent di Witchy woman Eagles, video YouTube di Eagles Witchy woman
Eagles... Altri accordi di Eagles...
Witchy Women
Words and Music by Bernie Leadon & Don Henly
Gm 355333 F 133211 Dm --0231 D7 --0212
Bb -13331 C -32010 Dm7 --0211 Cm 035543
Gm D7 Gm
Raven hair and ruby lips, Sparks fly from her finger tips,
D7 Gm
Echoed voices in the night, She's a restless spriit on and endless flight
Gm D7 Gm
Woo-hoo witchy woman, see how high she flies
Gm D7 Gm
Woo-hoo witchy woman, see got the moon in her eyes
- Bb Gm - | F D - - | F D C D C Gm C | (to coda (+) Gm
Gm D7 Gm
She had me spell-bound in the night. Dancing shadows in the fire light
Crazy laughter in another room,
And she drove herself to madness with a silver spoon. (al coda (+)