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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Give me the cure...
Trova midi MID, video di Give me the cure Fugazi, scarica mp3 torrent di Give me the cure Fugazi, video YouTube di Fugazi Give me the cure
Fugazi... Altri accordi di Fugazi...
Fugazi tab for "Give me the Cure"
Transcribed by Christoph Borst (mohawk(at) sometime in 1994
Please send me comments, corrections, etc.
Fugazi songs. Not until recently did I actually dig out the old
record and realize how far off most were. So, I played along
with the songs a couple times to find something that sounds better:
Think of this as an improvement to the already available tab.
I don't claim that it's perfect -- I am not a big Fugazi fan and
this is typed from memory.
At the beginning, it's like this:
(let ring on most notes)
Also, some chorus or an overdub is added for a while.
Then, it does this:
Then something like this chord is struck:
The second half uses these chords:
(I have not indicated how many times each is struck)
Trova midi MID, video di Give me the cure Fugazi, scarica mp3 torrent di Give me the cure Fugazi, video YouTube di Fugazi Give me the cure
Fugazi... Altri accordi di Fugazi...
Fugazi tab for "Give me the Cure"
Transcribed by Christoph Borst (mohawk(at) sometime in 1994
Please send me comments, corrections, etc.
Fugazi songs. Not until recently did I actually dig out the old
record and realize how far off most were. So, I played along
with the songs a couple times to find something that sounds better:
Think of this as an improvement to the already available tab.
I don't claim that it's perfect -- I am not a big Fugazi fan and
this is typed from memory.
At the beginning, it's like this:
(let ring on most notes)
Also, some chorus or an overdub is added for a while.
Then, it does this:
Then something like this chord is struck:
The second half uses these chords:
(I have not indicated how many times each is struck)