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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Sledgehammer...
Trova midi MID, video di Sledgehammer Gabriel Peter, scarica mp3 torrent di Sledgehammer Gabriel Peter, video YouTube di Gabriel Peter Sledgehammer
Gabriel Peter... Altri accordi di Gabriel Peter...
First off I would like to thank you for providing this service. I had
all but given up on playing when I found this resource. This fresh input
has revived my love.
I noticed a request for Sledgehammer in the most-wanted list. I found
the following crd for this at another site. The originators address is
at the top. I attempted to contact him/her to see if they minded me
forwarding this to you but couldn't get mail through to that address. I
kinda figured if it was in a public ftp directory they might not mind it
being spread around. I am sending the file intact incase you or anyone
else wishes to attempt to contact him/her.
Again thanks for being there and doing all this for all of us.
Christopher Martin (cmartin(at)martin.idi.oclc.org)
Sledgehammer (Peter Gabriel)
is given with respect to 7ths, inversions, fingering, and choice of #/b.
Any major blunders, questions and suggestions to djb(at)uk.ac.bath.maths ;^)
[Ebm brass riffs]
Ebm Ebm Ebm/B Ebm/Bb Ebm/Ab
Trova midi MID, video di Sledgehammer Gabriel Peter, scarica mp3 torrent di Sledgehammer Gabriel Peter, video YouTube di Gabriel Peter Sledgehammer
Gabriel Peter... Altri accordi di Gabriel Peter...
First off I would like to thank you for providing this service. I had
all but given up on playing when I found this resource. This fresh input
has revived my love.
I noticed a request for Sledgehammer in the most-wanted list. I found
the following crd for this at another site. The originators address is
at the top. I attempted to contact him/her to see if they minded me
forwarding this to you but couldn't get mail through to that address. I
kinda figured if it was in a public ftp directory they might not mind it
being spread around. I am sending the file intact incase you or anyone
else wishes to attempt to contact him/her.
Again thanks for being there and doing all this for all of us.
Christopher Martin (cmartin(at)martin.idi.oclc.org)
Sledgehammer (Peter Gabriel)
is given with respect to 7ths, inversions, fingering, and choice of #/b.
Any major blunders, questions and suggestions to djb(at)uk.ac.bath.maths ;^)
[Ebm brass riffs]
Ebm Ebm Ebm/B Ebm/Bb Ebm/Ab