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Scarica MP3, Karaoke First noel...
Trova midi MID, video di First noel Holiday, scarica mp3 torrent di First noel Holiday, video YouTube di Holiday First noel
Holiday... Altri accordi di Holiday...
Traditional. publ.1833
The first Noel the angel did say, [C Am G, FC FC]
Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay; [FC FC GC G7C]
In fields where they lay keeping their sheep [C Am G, FC FC]
On a cold winters night that was so deep [FC FC GC G7C]
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel [C Em, F CG]
Born is the King of Israel. [FGF CFG C G7 C]
They looked up and saw a star, Shining in the East, beyond them far; And
to the earth it gave good light; And so it continued both day and night.
This star drew nigh to the North West, O'er Bethlehem it took its rest,
And there it did stop and stay, Right over the place where Jesus lay.
Then enter'd in there Wise Men three Full rev'rently on bended knee, And
offered there in His presence Their gold and myrrh and frankincense. ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di First noel Holiday, scarica mp3 torrent di First noel Holiday, video YouTube di Holiday First noel
Holiday... Altri accordi di Holiday...
Traditional. publ.1833
The first Noel the angel did say, [C Am G, FC FC]
Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay; [FC FC GC G7C]
In fields where they lay keeping their sheep [C Am G, FC FC]
On a cold winters night that was so deep [FC FC GC G7C]
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel [C Em, F CG]
Born is the King of Israel. [FGF CFG C G7 C]
They looked up and saw a star, Shining in the East, beyond them far; And
to the earth it gave good light; And so it continued both day and night.
This star drew nigh to the North West, O'er Bethlehem it took its rest,
And there it did stop and stay, Right over the place where Jesus lay.
Then enter'd in there Wise Men three Full rev'rently on bended knee, And
offered there in His presence Their gold and myrrh and frankincense. ...Continua: