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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Engine 999...
Trova midi MID, video di Engine 999 Hooters, scarica mp3 torrent di Engine 999 Hooters, video YouTube di Hooters Engine 999
Hooters... Altri accordi di Hooters...
Hello all Hooters fans out there, and especially to Johnny Disobidience(Thanks
for adding me to the mailing list). Here is a transcription of "Engine 999",
from the "One Way Home" album. As usual I forgot to bring the CD booklet, so
I can't type in any lyrics, and as usual I don't claim to have perfect pitch
or anything. This is how I play it. If you find any particularily embarrasing
mistakes, mail me and let me know!:) (I won't mind if you mail me if you find
it useful either.:))
ENGINE 999 by The Hooters.
Transcribed by Markus Jakobsson.
This is actually quite a simple song. There is one riff for the verse, and
one for the chorus (with only minor variations). And then the rythm for the
solo part, and that's it.
Intro/verse riff.
C Csus4 C Csus2 C/E Csus4/E C/E Csus2/E C/A Csus4/A
C/A G5 Gsus4 G Gsus4 G
There, play that a few times, and then go to the chorus.
Chorus riff.
Trova midi MID, video di Engine 999 Hooters, scarica mp3 torrent di Engine 999 Hooters, video YouTube di Hooters Engine 999
Hooters... Altri accordi di Hooters...
Hello all Hooters fans out there, and especially to Johnny Disobidience(Thanks
for adding me to the mailing list). Here is a transcription of "Engine 999",
from the "One Way Home" album. As usual I forgot to bring the CD booklet, so
I can't type in any lyrics, and as usual I don't claim to have perfect pitch
or anything. This is how I play it. If you find any particularily embarrasing
mistakes, mail me and let me know!:) (I won't mind if you mail me if you find
it useful either.:))
ENGINE 999 by The Hooters.
Transcribed by Markus Jakobsson.
This is actually quite a simple song. There is one riff for the verse, and
one for the chorus (with only minor variations). And then the rythm for the
solo part, and that's it.
Intro/verse riff.
C Csus4 C Csus2 C/E Csus4/E C/E Csus2/E C/A Csus4/A
C/A G5 Gsus4 G Gsus4 G
There, play that a few times, and then go to the chorus.
Chorus riff.