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Scarica MP3, Karaoke North to alaska...
Trova midi MID, video di North to alaska Horton Johnny, scarica mp3 torrent di North to alaska Horton Johnny, video YouTube di Horton Johnny North to alaska
Horton Johnny... Altri accordi di Horton Johnny...
North To Alaska - Mike Phillips
| ||C / / / | / / / / / |G7 / Dm7 / |C F C C7 |
| Big ||Sam left Se |- at - tle in the |year of nine -ty |two With |
| ||Geo.turned to| Sam with his |gold in his |hand, Said,|
|F / / / |/ / / / /| / / C F |C / / C7 |
|George Pratt, his |part - ner and |broth - er Bil - ly |too; They |
|"Sam, you're a - |look - in' at a|lone - ly, lone -ly |man; I'd
|F / / / | / / / / | / / / C F |C / / / |
|crossed the Yu - kon |Riv - er and | found the bo - nan - za|gold. Be-|
| trade all the gold___ thats bur - ied in this|land, For |
___ _____ ____ __
| / / / F | C / / / /|G7 / / / Dm7 G7 | C F C / /|
|low that old White| Moun - tain, just a|lit-tle south-east of |Nome. Sam|
|one small band of | gold to place on |sweet little Jennys|hand Causea
Trova midi MID, video di North to alaska Horton Johnny, scarica mp3 torrent di North to alaska Horton Johnny, video YouTube di Horton Johnny North to alaska
Horton Johnny... Altri accordi di Horton Johnny...
North To Alaska - Mike Phillips
| ||C / / / | / / / / / |G7 / Dm7 / |C F C C7 |
| Big ||Sam left Se |- at - tle in the |year of nine -ty |two With |
| ||Geo.turned to| Sam with his |gold in his |hand, Said,|
|F / / / |/ / / / /| / / C F |C / / C7 |
|George Pratt, his |part - ner and |broth - er Bil - ly |too; They |
|"Sam, you're a - |look - in' at a|lone - ly, lone -ly |man; I'd
|F / / / | / / / / | / / / C F |C / / / |
|crossed the Yu - kon |Riv - er and | found the bo - nan - za|gold. Be-|
| trade all the gold___ thats bur - ied in this|land, For |
___ _____ ____ __
| / / / F | C / / / /|G7 / / / Dm7 G7 | C F C / /|
|low that old White| Moun - tain, just a|lit-tle south-east of |Nome. Sam|
|one small band of | gold to place on |sweet little Jennys|hand Causea