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Scarica MP3, Karaoke The chair...
Trova midi MID, video di The chair Jars Of Clay, scarica mp3 torrent di The chair Jars Of Clay, video YouTube di Jars Of Clay The chair
Jars Of Clay... Altri accordi di Jars Of Clay...
The Chair
Music from the Motion Picture
Soundtrack The Long Kiss Goodnight
As transcribed by Darryl Kechnie
-I almost know how to play every jars song the actual way they play it,
Just listen for the chord changes, it takes too long to paginate
everything, but it's all there.
She always knew the things to say
She had a smile to end a frown
F#/B7sus* - B7sus* - F#/B7sus* - Cmaj7 - ?/B*
Sometimes it seems she didn't notice
Sometimes she dreams
Sometimes she tries to dance
She calls out "Hi Ho Silver" from her
She dreams of somehow saving the day
The chair a pressing door left open
Her heart the key she always turns
A locking peace no understanding
It was all she knew
And what she held on to
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Trova midi MID, video di The chair Jars Of Clay, scarica mp3 torrent di The chair Jars Of Clay, video YouTube di Jars Of Clay The chair
Jars Of Clay... Altri accordi di Jars Of Clay...
The Chair
Music from the Motion Picture
Soundtrack The Long Kiss Goodnight
As transcribed by Darryl Kechnie
-I almost know how to play every jars song the actual way they play it,
Just listen for the chord changes, it takes too long to paginate
everything, but it's all there.
She always knew the things to say
She had a smile to end a frown
F#/B7sus* - B7sus* - F#/B7sus* - Cmaj7 - ?/B*
Sometimes it seems she didn't notice
Sometimes she dreams
Sometimes she tries to dance
She calls out "Hi Ho Silver" from her
She dreams of somehow saving the day
The chair a pressing door left open
Her heart the key she always turns
A locking peace no understanding
It was all she knew
And what she held on to
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com ...Continua: