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(i migliori accordi per chitarra, dal 1764!)

Tablature di Stealing di Kottke Leo
Accordi chitarra crd lyrics tab spartiti chords testo tablature per Kottke Leo Stealing (no suoneria cellulare telefonino)
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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Stealing...
Trova midi MID, video di Stealing Kottke Leo, scarica mp3 torrent di Stealing Kottke Leo, video YouTube di Kottke Leo Stealing
Kottke Leo... Altri accordi di Kottke Leo...
Somebody, from Alaska I believe, was looking for tab for Leo Kottke's
Stealing, so that he could be in good graces with a friend who might
take him Halibut fishing (sounds like a Kottke story there :-) ). Anyway,
it inspired me to finally sit down and try writing some tab. Maybe I'll
get some of the other pieces I know down one of these days also.
This transcription is based on the live version on the My Feet Are Smiling
LP. My turntable hasn't been working for a while, so I wasn't able to do
any verification against the recording, but this is the way I've been
playing it for close to twenty years now. Any differences from the recording
are very minor and probably consist of variations on transitions between
sections. The version on Mudlark starts at section 3, and becomes a duet
after the first time through part 4 - much of which is just double tracking.
This is another of Kottke's high energy, fast tempo pieces. It is relatively
straightforward, the hard part being bringing it up to tempo.
It is also a good illustration of Leo's taking the thumb into melody
excursions, instead of always that "one oink per beat" duty.
The thumb always plays on the beat, with other fingers filling in the rest.
Where the player might be disinclined to use the thumb for higher strings
and melody parts, I've indicated its use by extending the beat mark all the
way up to the note to indicate the thumb's use. The first instance of this
appears in measure 10, then 25, and so on.

Questo file di accordi, testi, tablature, chords, crd, tab, musiche è una trascrizione interpretazione amatoriale della canzone musica per chitarra. Lo puoi usare solo per studio personale e ricerca, vedi il Disclaimer - Legge 159/1993. I copyright appartengono ai rispettivi proprietari autori cantanti musichieri. This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research.
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Testi Brani Accordi Canzoni Autori Italiani: 0..9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Testi Brani Accordi Canzoni Autori Stranieri: 0..9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Cerca 2023 - Accordi Chitarra Musica Canzoni - Privacy e Cookies - Contatti, suggerimenti brani, correzioni accordi, ecc...