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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Somethings wrong...
Trova midi MID, video di Somethings wrong Ks Choice, scarica mp3 torrent di Somethings wrong Ks Choice, video YouTube di Ks Choice Somethings wrong
Ks Choice... Altri accordi di Ks Choice...
Here's one of my favorite songs with the coolest text I ever read...
The line in brackets should be sung only (without guitar
accompaniment) The A#/A chord is just a fill and you could play the
"A"-chord before it like that:
e a d g b e
A 5 7 7 6 5 5
so that you just slide down your first finger to the 4th fret on the
e-string A#/A 4 7 7 6 5 5 It sounds quite good if you don't play
the whole chord but just strike the bassnotes.
Something's wrong
k`s Choice
When your pubic hair's on fire Something's wrong
When you think you're the Messiah Something's wrong
You mistake a plane for venus Something's wrong
A/A# (When your girlfriend's got a penis, Something's wrong
Something's wrong)
F#m E D A A#/A
Ah Ah, Something's wrong...
Ah Ah, Something's wrong...
Trova midi MID, video di Somethings wrong Ks Choice, scarica mp3 torrent di Somethings wrong Ks Choice, video YouTube di Ks Choice Somethings wrong
Ks Choice... Altri accordi di Ks Choice...
Here's one of my favorite songs with the coolest text I ever read...
The line in brackets should be sung only (without guitar
accompaniment) The A#/A chord is just a fill and you could play the
"A"-chord before it like that:
e a d g b e
A 5 7 7 6 5 5
so that you just slide down your first finger to the 4th fret on the
e-string A#/A 4 7 7 6 5 5 It sounds quite good if you don't play
the whole chord but just strike the bassnotes.
Something's wrong
k`s Choice
When your pubic hair's on fire Something's wrong
When you think you're the Messiah Something's wrong
You mistake a plane for venus Something's wrong
A/A# (When your girlfriend's got a penis, Something's wrong
Something's wrong)
F#m E D A A#/A
Ah Ah, Something's wrong...
Ah Ah, Something's wrong...