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Scarica MP3, Karaoke There she goes...
Trova midi MID, video di There she goes Las, scarica mp3 torrent di There she goes Las, video YouTube di Las There she goes
Las... Altri accordi di Las...
From denis(at) Fri Apr 18 10:44:57 1997
[The following text is in the "iso-8859-1" character set]
[Your display is set for the "US-ASCII" character set]
[Some characters may be displayed incorrectly]
If you find that some of the text is floating off the screen or you are experiencing some strange irregular spacing, don't worry...
There She Goes - The LA's
[Laboriously typed up by Mardi Gras(TNT)]
This is a really fine song and has a really cool melody line. There are good examples of harmonising shown. Personally, I prefer the version in the film performed by the Boo Radleys.
The lyrics are guessed... I might add that the lyrics are HARD to work out, so if anyone has the official lyrics, go ahead! I had better luck getting the lyrics off the film, but I have no idea how much that version strays from the original (but they sound somewhat similar!) I know I've got the music almost 100% right though!
My lead section is not complete. The whole tablature isn't even complete. There isn't much left out though, just the teeny weeny tiny bits like plucking the strings while holding a chord! You can easily work out these bits I have missed as they follow the same pattern and use similar notes to parts in the song!
My tablature can be confusing at times, so listen to the song and play along with it!
Recommended chord positions:
G 32OO33
D xxO232
C x32O1O
Am xO221O
E| 3 5 2 3 O O O
B| 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
************************************************************************ ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di There she goes Las, scarica mp3 torrent di There she goes Las, video YouTube di Las There she goes
Las... Altri accordi di Las...
From denis(at) Fri Apr 18 10:44:57 1997
[The following text is in the "iso-8859-1" character set]
[Your display is set for the "US-ASCII" character set]
[Some characters may be displayed incorrectly]
If you find that some of the text is floating off the screen or you are experiencing some strange irregular spacing, don't worry...
There She Goes - The LA's
[Laboriously typed up by Mardi Gras(TNT)]
This is a really fine song and has a really cool melody line. There are good examples of harmonising shown. Personally, I prefer the version in the film performed by the Boo Radleys.
The lyrics are guessed... I might add that the lyrics are HARD to work out, so if anyone has the official lyrics, go ahead! I had better luck getting the lyrics off the film, but I have no idea how much that version strays from the original (but they sound somewhat similar!) I know I've got the music almost 100% right though!
My lead section is not complete. The whole tablature isn't even complete. There isn't much left out though, just the teeny weeny tiny bits like plucking the strings while holding a chord! You can easily work out these bits I have missed as they follow the same pattern and use similar notes to parts in the song!
My tablature can be confusing at times, so listen to the song and play along with it!
Recommended chord positions:
G 32OO33
D xxO232
C x32O1O
Am xO221O
E| 3 5 2 3 O O O
B| 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
************************************************************************ ...Continua: