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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Harry hood...
Trova midi MID, video di Harry hood Phish, scarica mp3 torrent di Harry hood Phish, video YouTube di Phish Harry hood
Phish... Altri accordi di Phish...
sorry but the last version had some bugs i figure out.. please post
this version instead.
Ok, This song took me a LONG time to sit down and figure out, but I
think I've gotten very close to having it down perfectly. I used
version off A Live One for the Intro. Keep in mind that these are
UNDERLYING THE SONG, not the tabs. Trey plays it differently every
time, but he always keeps the chords underneath constant (well, most
the time). Sorry, but no timing information is availble.
Dm --> Am(V) x4
F --> Em x4 then Am(I)
E#9 (I don't think this is it, but it's close enough)
. .
Dm Em(VII) Am(V)
Harry! Harry! Where do you go when the lights go out x3
Trova midi MID, video di Harry hood Phish, scarica mp3 torrent di Harry hood Phish, video YouTube di Phish Harry hood
Phish... Altri accordi di Phish...
sorry but the last version had some bugs i figure out.. please post
this version instead.
Ok, This song took me a LONG time to sit down and figure out, but I
think I've gotten very close to having it down perfectly. I used
version off A Live One for the Intro. Keep in mind that these are
UNDERLYING THE SONG, not the tabs. Trey plays it differently every
time, but he always keeps the chords underneath constant (well, most
the time). Sorry, but no timing information is availble.
Dm --> Am(V) x4
F --> Em x4 then Am(I)
E#9 (I don't think this is it, but it's close enough)
. .
Dm Em(VII) Am(V)
Harry! Harry! Where do you go when the lights go out x3