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Testo e accordi

Brandy - Red Hot Chili Peppers

Strum: Do#m7 Do#11 La6 Lamaj7 (x 2 Volte) Sisus4 Si
Lamaj7(4) Mi(4) Fa#m Sisus4 Si
(dooda-dit-dooda), (dit-dooda-dit-dooda-dit)
Mi Sol#m Fa#m Do#m
There's a port on a western bay
Fa#m La Re La
And it serves a hundred ships a day
Mi Sol#m Fa#m Sol#m Do#m
Lonely sailors pass the time away
Fa#m La Mi
And talk about their homes
Mi Sol#m Fa#m Do#m
And there's a girl in this harbor town
Fa#m La Re La
And she works layin' whiskey down
Mi Sol#m Fa#m Sol#m Do#m
They say "Brandy, fetch another round"
Fa#m La Mi
She serves them whiskey and wine
Do#m7 Si La
The sailors say "Brandy, you're a fine girl" (you're a fine girl)
Do#m7 Si La
"What a good wife you would be" (such a fine girl)
Sisus4 Si
"Yeah your eyes could steal a sailor from the sea"
Lamaj7(4) Mi(4) Fa#m Sisus4 Si
(dooda-dit-dooda), (dit-dooda-dit-dooda-dit)
Mi Sol#m Fa#m Do#m
Brandy wears a braided chain
Fa#m La Re La
Made of finest silver from the North of Spain
Mi Sol#m Fa#m Sol#m Do#m
A locket that bears the name
Fa#m La Mi
Of the man that Brandy loves
Mi Sol#m Fa#m Do#m
He came on a summer's day
Fa#m La Re La
Bringin' gifts from far away
Mi Sol#m Fa#m Sol#m Do#m
But he made it clear he couldn't stay
Fa#m La Mi
No harbor was his home
Do#m7 Si La
The sailors say "Brandy, you're a fine girl" (you're a fine girl)
Do#m7 Si La
"What a good wife you would be" (such a fine girl)
Sisus4 Si
"But my life, my lover, my lady is the sea"
Lamaj7(4) Mi(4) Fa#m Sisus4 Si
(dooda-dit-dooda), (dit-dooda-dit-dooda-dit)
Do#m7 Si
Yeah, Brandy used to watch his eyes
La Si
When he told his sailor stories
Do#m7 Si
She could feel the ocean foam rise
La Si
She saw its ragin' glory
Do#m7 Re Do#m7 La
But he had always told the truth, lord, he was an honest man
Sisus4 Si
And Brandy does her best to understand
Lamaj7(4) Mi(4) Fa#m Sisus4 Si
(dooda-dit-dooda), (dit-dooda-dit-dooda-dit)
Mi Sol#m Fa#m Do#m
At night when the bars close down
Fa#m La Re La
Brandy walks through a silent town
Mi Sol#m Fa#m Sol#m Do#m
And loves a man who's not around
Fa#m La Mi
She still can hear him say
Do#m7 Si La
She hears him say " Brandy, you're a fine girl" (you're a fine girl)
Do#m7 Si La
"What a good wife you would be" (such a fine girl)
Sisus4 Si
"But my life, my lover, my lady is the sea"
Lamaj7(4) Mi(4) Fa#m Sisus4 Si
(dooda-dit-dooda), (dit-dooda-dit-dooda-dit)

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