(accordi chitarra, versione mobile)

Testo e accordi

Even You Brutus -- Red Hot Chili Peppers

Intro: Dom Lam Dom Sol#m La# Sim
God is good and fate is great / When it feels
so strong It's hard to wait / You never know
how it might unfold / Hearts to break and bodies
to hold / Time will tell but it never gets old
Fa Re# Sim
Like I told you I'm in for a long long...
Had to have been one of those things / That took place in
outer space / A match made in heaven / Not a scratch on her
face / Angels must have smoked some dust
Singing songs 'bout in God we trust / Some things
Fa Re# Rem La#m Sim
slide but this is a must / Like I told you there's a time for finding out
People try to tell me / What not to do / You shouldn't
make it with a younger girl
Too many chances / For the foot to drop / I tried to
tell them that I found a pearl
Fa Re# Sim
Like I told you be careful what you're asking for
Solm Rem Rem C#m
Hey, sister Brutus / I've got a
Dom Solm Rem
mess of a better half
Solm Rem Rem C#m
Hey, sister Judas / Even
Dom Solm Rem
you never had my back
She was the cutest thing / That I ever did see
Drink in her hand and I don't mean tea / She was with a
dude / But I just didn't care / I had to find out
these moments are rare / And Stevie says
Fa Re# Sim
'All is fair' / Like I told you there is something for everyone
Well I guess I never told you some things / That I
really really wanted to say
Did I do everything that I could do / Or did the
mice just need to play
Fa Re# Sim
Like I told you there is more than meets the eye
Solm Rem Rem C#m
Hey, sister Brutus / I've got a
Dom Solm Rem
mess of a better half
Solm Rem Rem C#m
Hey, sister Judas / Even
Dom Solm Rem
you never had my back
Strum: Dom - Lam - Dom - Sol#m - La# - Sim
I'm not trying to point fingers at you / And I'm
not trying to lay any blame
But when it comes to the punishment / Girl you
know how to bring the pain
Fa Re# Sim
Like I told you, I'd do it all again
Solm Rem Rem C#m
Hey, sister Brutus / I've got a
Dom Solm Rem
mess of a better half
Solm Rem Rem C#m
Hey, sister Judas / Even
Dom Solm Rem
you never had my back
Solm Rem Rem C#m
Hey, sister Brutus / There's a
Dom Solm Rem
fury to the woman's wrath
Solm Rem Rem C#m
Hey, sister Judas / Even
Dom Solm Solm
you never had my back

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