(accordi chitarra, versione mobile)

Testo e accordi

Red Hot Chili Peppers / Quixoticelixer

Strum: Sim Fam
Kick back a little bit just to watch and see
Getting sicker by the minute with debauchery
Whatever your pleasure I'm your punk
On the brink of sinking, baby, but not yet sunk
How I listened, lo’ when you told me
That I was all you had to hold
I wish it was so when you told me
(E still rings..)
That you were solid gold
Gravity-free is she, look at her
Hottest on the map she's full of anti-matter
You never left a very mellow impression
Your smell, or your “go to hell” expression
Quixoticelixer might
But it will probably not fix your bite
Mi (let it ring)
Tell me now, tell me how
Did I get your lipstick on my kite
Re5 Fa#m
I love this weather
La Mi
It's a perfect storm
Re Fa#m
Just keep it coming
La Mi
In its perfect form
Re Fa#m
I love this weather
La Mi
'Cause it keeps me warm
Re5 Fa#m
Just keep it coming
La Mi
In its perfect form
Everyday depression in a beautiful dress, oh
Lady made a beautiful mess I guess
Dedicated mind did a medicated state
Is a highly overrated fate
Terrible is a soul
When she told me there is such a thing
Did you know that you glow when you go
From winter into spring
Re5 Fa#m
The madder the boy, the sadder the song
La Mi
That's a wicked fate but the sick get strong
Re5 Fa#m
Mad boy, sad song
La Mi
A wicked fate, but the sick get strong
Re5 Fa#m
Nobody's right and everyone's wrong
La Mi
I refuse to punt on fourth and long
Mad boy, sad song
Wicked fate but the sick get...
Strum: Fa# La Re Do#5 Mi5 Si
Fa# La Re Do#
I swear to god I could not hurt you
Fa# La Re Do#
I've got to be inside your virtue
Fa# La Re Do#
I can't contain my urge to search you
Strum: Mi5 Si (x 4v)
Fa# La Re Do#
I stand before you there's no curfew
Fa# La Re Do#
I long to be inside your virtue
Fa# La Re Do#
My heart is swollen when I search you
Fa# La Re Do#
I swear to god I could not hurt you
Fa# La Re Do#
My heart is swollen when I search you
Fa# La Re Do#
I swear to god I could not hurt you
Fa# La Re Do#
I've got to be inside your virtue
Fa# La Re Do#
I can't contain my urge to search you
Strum: Mi5 Si (x 4v)
Strum: Fa# La Re Do# (x 2v) Fa#

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This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research.

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