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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Set the twilight reeling...
Trova midi MID, video di Set the twilight reeling Reed Lou, scarica mp3 torrent di Set the twilight reeling Reed Lou, video YouTube di Reed Lou Set the twilight reeling
Reed Lou... Altri accordi di Reed Lou...
This appeared in lou Reed's news....
It's written by Ferdinando Pertusio
|A A A2 A| D E | (main riff)
A A A2 A D
Take me for what I am
E A A A2 A D E
A star newly emerging
A A A2 A D
Long simmering explodes
E A A A2 A D E
inside the self is reeling
A A A2 A
In the pocket of the heart in the rushing of the blood
D E A A A2 A
In the muscle of my sex in the mindful mindless love
A A A2 A D
I accept the new found man
E A A A2 A D E
And S T T R.
Trova midi MID, video di Set the twilight reeling Reed Lou, scarica mp3 torrent di Set the twilight reeling Reed Lou, video YouTube di Reed Lou Set the twilight reeling
Reed Lou... Altri accordi di Reed Lou...
This appeared in lou Reed's news....
It's written by Ferdinando Pertusio
|A A A2 A| D E | (main riff)
A A A2 A D
Take me for what I am
E A A A2 A D E
A star newly emerging
A A A2 A D
Long simmering explodes
E A A A2 A D E
inside the self is reeling
A A A2 A
In the pocket of the heart in the rushing of the blood
D E A A A2 A
In the muscle of my sex in the mindful mindless love
A A A2 A D
I accept the new found man
E A A A2 A D E
And S T T R.