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(i migliori accordi per chitarra, dal 1764!)

Tablature di Torch song di Reed Preston
Accordi chitarra crd lyrics tab spartiti chords testo tablature per Reed Preston Torch song (no suoneria cellulare telefonino)
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Trova midi MID, video di Torch song Reed Preston, scarica mp3 torrent di Torch song Reed Preston, video YouTube di Reed Preston Torch song
Reed Preston... Altri accordi di Reed Preston...
(I tried to format this text file to be 66 lines per page so it would print
politely. I don't have a tool to put in form feeds, though, so I have had
to do it by counting lines. 7 pages? Hope it worked. - S.L.)
This is a very mellow guitar solo from an underrated guitarist. I wouldn't
quite put him in the Leo (Kottke) and Mike (Hedges) club, but he's a
serious power picker and has some nice original stuff. This piece is off
"Instrument Landing" on the Universal Master Series (UVLD-78000). My
transcription is only about six months behind my promised schedule, and
wouldn't have been possible without my Mac and sound editing software to
slow things down while I plunked along. As Tori Amos said in some recent
liner notes, "'s bitchin' what these things can do."
Preston uses lots of weird tunings - this one goes DADECD, according to an
interview in Frets magazine a bunch of years back. He likes to use
esoteric tunings. Why? Probably to make it tough for scrubs like me to
transcribe his music. :-) There are many places where phrases could be
played in more than one way. I have tried to consider hand position as
much as possible and stay note-for-note; in some of the dissonant sections
this gets a bit rough, but I think this is pretty faithful to the original.
This is not an easy piece to just pick up and play... part A, in
particular, is very free-flowing, often somewhat dissonant, and in no

Questo file di accordi, testi, tablature, chords, crd, tab, musiche è una trascrizione interpretazione amatoriale della canzone musica per chitarra. Lo puoi usare solo per studio personale e ricerca, vedi il Disclaimer - Legge 159/1993. I copyright appartengono ai rispettivi proprietari autori cantanti musichieri. This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research.
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Testi Brani Accordi Canzoni Autori Italiani: 0..9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Testi Brani Accordi Canzoni Autori Stranieri: 0..9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Cerca 2023 - Accordi Chitarra Musica Canzoni - Privacy e Cookies - Contatti, suggerimenti brani, correzioni accordi, ecc...