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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Northwest passage...
Trova midi MID, video di Northwest passage Rogers Stan, scarica mp3 torrent di Northwest passage Rogers Stan, video YouTube di Rogers Stan Northwest passage
Rogers Stan... Altri accordi di Rogers Stan...
from the album "Northwest Passage"
(c) 1981 Fogarty's Cove Music Inc.
D A G Bm
Ah for just one time I would take the Northwest Passage
G D Em G
To find the hand of Franklin reaching for the Beaufort Sea
D A G Bm
Tracing one warm line through a land so wide and savage
And make a Northwest Passage to the sea
Westward from the Davis Strait, 'tis there was said to lie
The sea route to the orient for which so many died
Seeking gold and glory, leaving weathered broken bones
And a long forgotten lonely cairn of stones
Three centuries thereafter I take passage over land
In the footsteps of brave Kelso where his "sea of flowers" began
Watching cities rise before me then behind me sink again
This tardiest explorer driving hard across the plains
And through the night behind the wheel, the mileage clicking west
I think upon Mackenzie, David Thompson, and the rest
Trova midi MID, video di Northwest passage Rogers Stan, scarica mp3 torrent di Northwest passage Rogers Stan, video YouTube di Rogers Stan Northwest passage
Rogers Stan... Altri accordi di Rogers Stan...
from the album "Northwest Passage"
(c) 1981 Fogarty's Cove Music Inc.
D A G Bm
Ah for just one time I would take the Northwest Passage
G D Em G
To find the hand of Franklin reaching for the Beaufort Sea
D A G Bm
Tracing one warm line through a land so wide and savage
And make a Northwest Passage to the sea
Westward from the Davis Strait, 'tis there was said to lie
The sea route to the orient for which so many died
Seeking gold and glory, leaving weathered broken bones
And a long forgotten lonely cairn of stones
Three centuries thereafter I take passage over land
In the footsteps of brave Kelso where his "sea of flowers" began
Watching cities rise before me then behind me sink again
This tardiest explorer driving hard across the plains
And through the night behind the wheel, the mileage clicking west
I think upon Mackenzie, David Thompson, and the rest