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Scarica MP3, Karaoke The fountain of lamneth the fountain...
Trova midi MID, video di The fountain of lamneth the fountain Rush, scarica mp3 torrent di The fountain of lamneth the fountain Rush, video YouTube di Rush The fountain of lamneth the fountain
Rush... Altri accordi di Rush...
Rush - VI The Fountain
[Riff 1] Play 2x
B(addE) A(addB) D5 C5
[Riff 2] Freely arpeggate
Em7 G G/F#
[Riff 1] x2
[Riff 1] x2 w/ lyrics:
Look, the mist is rising and the sun is peeking through.
See the steps grow lighter as I reach their final few.
Hear the dancing waters, I must be drawing near.
Feel my heart is pounding with embattled hope and fear. [Strike A5]
[Riff 2] x2
[Riff 2] x2 w/ lyrics:
Now at last I fall before the Fountain of Lamneth.
I thought I would be singing, but I'm tired, out of breath.
Many journeys end here, but the secret's told the same.
D C Fmaj7 G6
Life is just a candle, and a dream... must give it flame.
[Riff 1] x2
Trova midi MID, video di The fountain of lamneth the fountain Rush, scarica mp3 torrent di The fountain of lamneth the fountain Rush, video YouTube di Rush The fountain of lamneth the fountain
Rush... Altri accordi di Rush...
Rush - VI The Fountain
[Riff 1] Play 2x
B(addE) A(addB) D5 C5
[Riff 2] Freely arpeggate
Em7 G G/F#
[Riff 1] x2
[Riff 1] x2 w/ lyrics:
Look, the mist is rising and the sun is peeking through.
See the steps grow lighter as I reach their final few.
Hear the dancing waters, I must be drawing near.
Feel my heart is pounding with embattled hope and fear. [Strike A5]
[Riff 2] x2
[Riff 2] x2 w/ lyrics:
Now at last I fall before the Fountain of Lamneth.
I thought I would be singing, but I'm tired, out of breath.
Many journeys end here, but the secret's told the same.
D C Fmaj7 G6
Life is just a candle, and a dream... must give it flame.
[Riff 1] x2