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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Time stand still...
Trova midi MID, video di Time stand still Rush, scarica mp3 torrent di Time stand still Rush, video YouTube di Rush Time stand still
Rush... Altri accordi di Rush...
Time Stand Still - Rush (from Hold Your Fire)
Transcription by Dan Newcombe (STDN(at)
(I know that this is not 100% accurate, but it is closer
than nothing. If you have corrections, please post them
in a nice civilized manner. No flames, they're a waste.)
To find out the chord rythyms, listen to the album.
(Clean tone, with a bit of delay and maybe chorus)
(Play 3 times)
C# A E
I turn my back to the wind to catch my breath before I start off
again Driven on without a moment to spend to
B E A C#
pass the moment with a drink and a friend. I let my skin get
too thin, I'd like to pause, no matter what I
pretend like some pilgram who learns to transcend.
as if each step were the end.
(Guitar Tacet)
"Time Stand Still, I'm not looking back but I want to
Trova midi MID, video di Time stand still Rush, scarica mp3 torrent di Time stand still Rush, video YouTube di Rush Time stand still
Rush... Altri accordi di Rush...
Time Stand Still - Rush (from Hold Your Fire)
Transcription by Dan Newcombe (STDN(at)
(I know that this is not 100% accurate, but it is closer
than nothing. If you have corrections, please post them
in a nice civilized manner. No flames, they're a waste.)
To find out the chord rythyms, listen to the album.
(Clean tone, with a bit of delay and maybe chorus)
(Play 3 times)
C# A E
I turn my back to the wind to catch my breath before I start off
again Driven on without a moment to spend to
B E A C#
pass the moment with a drink and a friend. I let my skin get
too thin, I'd like to pause, no matter what I
pretend like some pilgram who learns to transcend.
as if each step were the end.
(Guitar Tacet)
"Time Stand Still, I'm not looking back but I want to