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Scarica MP3, Karaoke They dance alone...
Trova midi MID, video di They dance alone Sting, scarica mp3 torrent di They dance alone Sting, video YouTube di Sting They dance alone
Sting... Altri accordi di Sting...
Here's the chords for an old song from that wierd turtle album. If you
have anything interesting (positive or negative) to say, please mail
me. You'll piss off fewer people and, besides, I don't have the time
to follow this group with it's zillions of posts.
"They Dance Alone (Cueco solo)" - STING from "...Nothing Like The
and "Fields of Gold"
This is fairly simple except for two chords.
(All others are detailed at the bottom anyway.)
Faug4maj7 133200
Eadd6 022120
I think that they're correctly named and placed in the song but mail
me if you know better. All comments, criticisms and corrections would
be appreciated.
(I wouldn't mind knowing what the song is about either. Sorry if
that's a little ignorant......)
A D A D A D A E7
A A/G#
Why are these women here,
dancing on their own?
Trova midi MID, video di They dance alone Sting, scarica mp3 torrent di They dance alone Sting, video YouTube di Sting They dance alone
Sting... Altri accordi di Sting...
Here's the chords for an old song from that wierd turtle album. If you
have anything interesting (positive or negative) to say, please mail
me. You'll piss off fewer people and, besides, I don't have the time
to follow this group with it's zillions of posts.
"They Dance Alone (Cueco solo)" - STING from "...Nothing Like The
and "Fields of Gold"
This is fairly simple except for two chords.
(All others are detailed at the bottom anyway.)
Faug4maj7 133200
Eadd6 022120
I think that they're correctly named and placed in the song but mail
me if you know better. All comments, criticisms and corrections would
be appreciated.
(I wouldn't mind knowing what the song is about either. Sorry if
that's a little ignorant......)
A D A D A D A E7
A A/G#
Why are these women here,
dancing on their own?