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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Shoot you down...
Trova midi MID, video di Shoot you down Stone Roses, scarica mp3 torrent di Shoot you down Stone Roses, video YouTube di Stone Roses Shoot you down
Stone Roses... Altri accordi di Stone Roses...
From:Roger Vaughn
I've been told that there's no tab for this
on the archives so i thought I'd send this
one along,if anyone's still interested.
I've also been informed by a reliable party
that it's correct,so I feel confident in
being able to answer Roses related questions
Shoot You Down-
I'll break it into riffs which
yo can piece together rather than
give you a massive long tab to
save me some time:-
riff he plays)
Riff 2(verse pattern)
You______ know it
Show it but the time
Trova midi MID, video di Shoot you down Stone Roses, scarica mp3 torrent di Shoot you down Stone Roses, video YouTube di Stone Roses Shoot you down
Stone Roses... Altri accordi di Stone Roses...
From:Roger Vaughn
I've been told that there's no tab for this
on the archives so i thought I'd send this
one along,if anyone's still interested.
I've also been informed by a reliable party
that it's correct,so I feel confident in
being able to answer Roses related questions
Shoot You Down-
I'll break it into riffs which
yo can piece together rather than
give you a massive long tab to
save me some time:-
riff he plays)
Riff 2(verse pattern)
You______ know it
Show it but the time