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Scarica MP3, Karaoke What you give...
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Tesla... Altri accordi di Tesla...
<01GW5HSGL9DY9D4XPC(at)VEGA.SELU.EDU>; Tue, 23 Mar 1993 15:21:37 CST
What You Give by Tesla
b=bend 1 step * bb=bend 1 1/2 steps * bd=bend and bring it back
bh=bend and hold * sd=slide down to * su=slide up to
h=hammer on * p= pull off * sb=bend note full step and then strike it
Rhy 1
G F Em7
end 1
Repeat this phrase throughout the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Verse. The backing
chord progression for the solo where he says "play it pretty for the world"
is also the same phrase. Here is the chorus.
| G / D / | C / / / | G / D / | C / / |
I feel so... only one to ever ... I love you... that I, I think
Crazy, outta my head Goin crazy outta my head
Can't think about nothin' but your good good love and what you give
Well that is pretty much the whole song except for the solo and a few fills
I will translate the solo and outro but not all the fills for most of them
were probably improvised and also it would take too much time.
Trova midi MID, video di What you give Tesla, scarica mp3 torrent di What you give Tesla, video YouTube di Tesla What you give
Tesla... Altri accordi di Tesla...
<01GW5HSGL9DY9D4XPC(at)VEGA.SELU.EDU>; Tue, 23 Mar 1993 15:21:37 CST
What You Give by Tesla
b=bend 1 step * bb=bend 1 1/2 steps * bd=bend and bring it back
bh=bend and hold * sd=slide down to * su=slide up to
h=hammer on * p= pull off * sb=bend note full step and then strike it
Rhy 1
G F Em7
end 1
Repeat this phrase throughout the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Verse. The backing
chord progression for the solo where he says "play it pretty for the world"
is also the same phrase. Here is the chorus.
| G / D / | C / / / | G / D / | C / / |
I feel so... only one to ever ... I love you... that I, I think
Crazy, outta my head Goin crazy outta my head
Can't think about nothin' but your good good love and what you give
Well that is pretty much the whole song except for the solo and a few fills
I will translate the solo and outro but not all the fills for most of them
were probably improvised and also it would take too much time.