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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Barrel racing angel...
Trova midi MID, video di Barrel racing angel Tyson Ian, scarica mp3 torrent di Barrel racing angel Tyson Ian, video YouTube di Tyson Ian Barrel racing angel
Tyson Ian... Altri accordi di Tyson Ian...
Barrel Racing Angel
D Em
In the Arizona sunlight
Em D
In the Colorado moonlight
D Em
When she gets there it's gonna feel alright
Em D
Now she's feeling so tired
D Bm
She got her big bay horse
Bm G
The one she calls the Rolling Sun
G Em
The hard running faithful one
Em A
Out in front of all the rest
She's a barrel racing angel
Out there somewhere in the west
Feel free to send comments to yuriym(at) ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di Barrel racing angel Tyson Ian, scarica mp3 torrent di Barrel racing angel Tyson Ian, video YouTube di Tyson Ian Barrel racing angel
Tyson Ian... Altri accordi di Tyson Ian...
Barrel Racing Angel
D Em
In the Arizona sunlight
Em D
In the Colorado moonlight
D Em
When she gets there it's gonna feel alright
Em D
Now she's feeling so tired
D Bm
She got her big bay horse
Bm G
The one she calls the Rolling Sun
G Em
The hard running faithful one
Em A
Out in front of all the rest
She's a barrel racing angel
Out there somewhere in the west
Feel free to send comments to yuriym(at) ...Continua: